Southwest Hound Show

At the Southwest Hound Show held Saturday, May 6 north of Greenville,
Jake and Crossbred Aspen won second place in brood bitch and three of her get
and third place in brood bitch. The judge said Aspen had every sign of being a hard hunting hound
and Jake assured him that she is.
After complimenting her on her big, strapping offspring the judge commented
that most packs have the problem of hounds getting smaller each generation.

Taking the hounds for a walk after they arrived at the show.

Jason, Jake, Melanie, Gabrielle and Chrissie showed hounds.
 Getting ready to go in the Crossbred Dog Hounds-Entered class.
Chrissie and Blanco.
 Being judged.
 Melanie and Burleson
 Gabrielle standing up Stephens.
 Running down the boards.
 Chrissie showing Blanco.
 Off the leash.
 Melanie standing up Burleson for the judge.
 Jake and Aspen waiting for their class.
 The girls waiting to go in.
 Melanie and Gabrielle with a couple of the 'B' girls.
 Jake and Chrissie (and Scurry) watching the competition.
 The Crossbred Entered Bitch class.
 Jason showing Borden.
 Chrissie talking with the judge.
 Melanie setting up Brooks.
 Jake keeping his eye on the judge with Aver in the background.
 Jake and Aspen waiting their turn to go on the boards.
 Standing up Aspen.